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Products Details

SIEMENS - 6AV21283GB060AX1

SIEMENS - 6AV21283GB060AX1


SIMATIC HMI MTP700, Unified Comfort Panel, touch operation, 7" widescreen TFT display, 16 million colors, PROFINET interface, configurable as of WinCC Unified Comfort V16, contains open-source software, which is provided free of charge see enclosed DVSIMATIC HMI MTP700, Unified Comfort Panel, touch operation, 7" widescreen TFT display, 16 million colors, PROFINET interface, configurable as of WinCC Unified Comfort V16, contains open-source software, which is provided free of charge see enclosed DV

Weight 1.72 kg
Length 21.70
Width 28.90
Height 13.80
Unit of Measurement cm

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